
What is Lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a chronic disorder causing swelling (oedema) due to the overgrowth of fat storage cells beneath the skin, affecting the thighs, buttocks, lower legs and sometimes the arms.

Have I got Lipoedema


  • Legs and arms
  • Bracelet/band effect on wrist and ankles
  • Legs out of proportion to rest of the body
  • Flesh feels doughy and cold
  • Legs heavy and aching

Why Me?

No one knows the cause of Lipoedema. It is probably hormonal as it affects mainly women and and can brought on by puberty, pregnancy or the menopause. It may also be brought on by trauma. it cannot be controlled by calorie reduction alone.

You are not alone!

It is estimated that 11% of women have Lipoedema. Although common it is a hidden disease often un-diagnosed as doctors mistake it for obesity or Lympoedema. help is out there with networks that support and encourage sufferers. Try Talk Lipoedema

Tackling Lipoedema

Lipoedema is progressive. In its 1st stage limbs are enlarged but the skin looks normal and in the 2nd stage skin surface is irregular and fat is knotted. Early diagnosis from your doctor is important, so treatment can be made to prevent progression to stage 3:when large nodular fat growth causes severe deformity.

Lipoedema Treatment

  • Compression garrments are worn to increase tissue to prevent build up and reduce fluid in the limbs
  • Massage is used to drain fluid through the lymphatic system
  • Surgery usually liposuction maybe needed in the later stages of Lipoedema or to manage pain


Lipoedema fat cells do not respond to calorie reduced diets however it is important to maintain a well balanced diet and one that does not put extra weight. 2 diets with different approaches have been successful for Lipoedema. The RAD low fat, low GI diet, limits fat growth and works with the lymphatics. The KETOGENIC minimum carb, high fat diet which uses energy from fat cells (burning them down) instead of carbohydrates.


Exercise is important to maintain health good health, toning and strenghtening muscles and increasing mobility. Low impact exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling are recommended as well as Yoga and Pilates. Start with easy exercise and build up your fitness levels.

Sculpt and Change Therapies

Sculpt and Change Therapies offer alternative therapies which can minimise the effects of Lipoedema, reducing swelling and relieving pain.
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Karen's remedies and philosophies to cope with Lipoedema

Karen Herbst leading Lipedema consultant from the USA 🇺🇸 reveals latest research

  • Leaking lympatic fluid progressively contributes to fat growth

  • Lipoedema is a loose connective tissue disorder and hypermobilty disorders could be related

  • Research is on going and some of the secrets of Lipoedema are still to be found

  • For more info go to


Heralded by the Daily Telegraph lymphatic health is tipped to be the next frontier in wellness. As well as reducing inflammation, if the Lymphatic System is working efficiently it boosts our immune system. This is important for everyone (especially lipoedema sufferers) as good immunity is key to fighting off viruses. See feature below on the Lymphatic System. If you want to boost your lymphatic system we can help

Lymphatic Drainage

The Lymphatic system acts as a drainage system in the body removing excess fluid and waste from your tissues and returns it to the bloodstream. It carries a fluid called lymph around the body. Unlike blood lymph is not pumped by the heart, instead it is pushed along when your lymph vessels are squeezed by your muscles and by gravity when the vessels are above the heart.

Lipoedema sufferers have a build up of fluid in the tissues and the lymph does not flow properly. So the remedies for relieving Lipoedema are based on putting pressure on the lymph vessels to get lymph moving and to drain away the fluid that causes the swelling.

Lymphatic drainage can be achieved in a number of ways. Compression which puts constantly pressure on the lymph vessels. Manual lymphatic drainage a massage that works on the lymph vessels. Lymphatic reflexology that can achieve the same, results as MLD using reflexology (see Therapies). Deep muscle massage not only stimulates the lymph but also reduce fat cells (this can include Fasciablasting , see Therapies) Dry brushing, routinely brushing the skin in the direction of the lymph flow (guidance can be given online see Therapies) Exercise and stretching can activate the lymph as can elevation of the legs