
Lipoedema and Exercise

💜 Exercise is important to everyone if we are to be healthy, but there are added benefits if you have Lipoedema. Increased physical activity will improve your cardio vascular system and builds muscles.

Exercising gives you better mobility, bone density, energy levels, skin texture (releases antioxidants), mood (endorphins created relax you and you sleep better) and burning those calories helps reduce weight.

💜Lipoedema; Muscles girls are so key. Muscles are fueled by the oxygen in our blood which chemically reacts with fat in our cells and the more we exercise the more stored fat we burn. Exercise in turn will build muscle mass and the greater that muscle mass the better our ability of burning fat. As women we start at a disadvantage to men as we naturally have less

muscle, this can be made worse if you have been sedentary as muscle can waste away and crash diets can make it worse! Building muscle will also support weakened joints. The best news about execising your muscles is that the movement of the muscles squeezes the lymphatic vessels and gets the lymph moving so reducing swelling and associated pain

The first steps are always the most challenging, you may be a bit out of your comfort zone and worried what others might think, JUST DO IT ! it will be worth it. Start easy within your comfort zone and work up from that. Low impact exercises no jumping, stepups and burpees are definitely forbidden. Start with easy exercises and do what feels right for you gradually increasing the range of movement and number of repetitions. Easy paced short walks or swims over a period of time increase the distance and intensity and as you do your fitness will improve.

Easy Starter Exercises

Try these leg exercises to get the circulation and lymph going

ANKLE PUMPS point your toes forward and then bring back are far as you can in a pumping action

LEG RAISES in a seated or lying position keep legs straight and raise legs a few inches above the ground and the slowly lower. If you need to make it easier raise one leg at a time.

SQUATS legs apart with a straight back lower yourself by bending your knees if needed hold onto a solid object to keep steady

Nordic Walking

You can walk anywhere and at anytime. This makes it the most convenient form exercise. The intensity and duration can easily be controlled . Targets mainly the legs (good for the lymph) but works other parts of the body and is a good cardio exercise. NORDIC WALKING has additional benefits as the poles stabilise joints and help with balance. working 90% of the bodies muscles. The driving walking technique works the upper body as well the legs.


Swimming is said to be the best all round exercise. It works muscles all over the body, improving strength and mobility. It burns calories and improves cardio vascular fitness. The bouyancy affect in the water supports the body and has the least impact on the joints. You don't feel sweaty when you swim and feel refreshed afterwards.

Strength Training

Strength training is exercise where resistance is applied in the form of weights e.g. dumbells, kettle bells barbells etc or resistance devices e.g. resisistance bands, TRX etc with the aim of strengthening muscles and building muscle mass. Increasing muscle mass burns more fat and increases the metabolism. Strength training improves bone density and body mechanics (flexibility, balance and posture). Studies have also shown it can reduce pain in osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. Care must taken in performing exercises correctly and not lifting excessive weight to avoid injury.

Low Impact HiiT

Hiit can be a fast way to build fitness with short workouts. Low Impact High Intensity Interval Training, comprises of combinations of exercises at maximum effort followed by short recovery (e.g. 3 mins exercise / 30 seconds rest.) Kettle bells are a favourite for Hiit workouts.

Hiit workouts can be a way to kickstart an exercise program but with caution for Lipoedema sufferers as they should only attempt exercises which are low impact.


Boxing gives an upper body workout and also works the legs. A combination of punches, jabs, crosses and uppercuts are the moves. Usually sparring is done with a partner/trainer wearing pads, who instructs on the moves. During the session roles can be swopped. Can be done singly with punch bags or by shadow boxing.


🇨🇦Amanda Sobey @am.sobey is my online trainer from Canada who specialises in training people with Lymphedema and Lipodema. DM her for online training. Check out her website www.amandasobey.com

🇺🇸Beth Rylaarsdam is my training buddy from the USA. Join us online for Wednesday Workout. www.instagram.com/curvygirlbeth/

Caution should be taken when undertaking any exercise program for the first time and medical advice should be sought. Fitness and Strength exercise are best taught by a qualified Personal Trainer. Whilst the types of exercise on this page have benefited myself they may not suit everyone and it can depend on your health and physical condition and we cannot take any responsibility for any mishap as a result of following these activities.